How Systematic Hedging paid off for Importers in August 2018

How Systematic Hedging paid off for Importers in Aug'2018

Aug, 20, 2018     By Vikram Murarka    0 comments

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August 2018 has been a trying time for Importers because Rupee has depreciated to its weakest ever level of 70.39. In this video we show how our Reliable long-term Dollar-Rupee forecasts and systematic hedging over the past 12 months have helped save Rs 1.54 per Dollar.

This saving could have been possible only when there is a combination of

  1. A pre-sanctioned Hedging Cost Budget, which makes it possible for the Risk Manager to pay Forward Premium
  2. Reliable forecasts that help to decide to hedge and pay the Forward Premium

If you want us to help you with forex risk management, please feel free to write to us as

Thank you.

Vikram Murarka

Chief Currency Strategist at KSHITIJ.COM. Likes to look at the markets from many different angles. Weaves many conventional and unconventional technical analysis techniques and fundamental analysis into a global macro perspective. Likes to take the road less traveled.


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